Tents & Shade
We understand that the weather in Florida can be warm and rather unpredictable.
There are plenty of shady spots throughout the park, either under a tree or in one of the pavilions. Tents / Canopies are not allowed at the park unless they are listed on the event permit by being an event sponsor or vendor. Permission is required for all tents, and the locations or tents, prior to the event.
Instead, feel free to bring an umbrella or a canopy / cover that attaches to a chair.
Bringing Pets
You are welcome to bring your pet – please make sure your pet is leashed at all times and pick up after it.
Alcoholic Beverages
Wheels Across The Pond cannot sell alcohol of any kind at Carlin Park. If you wish to partake in alcoholic beverages, please bring your own cooler with your favorites.
Food & Beverage
There will be plenty of food and beverage for sale on the show field.