Most questions are answered in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). If you have additional questions or require more information, please email us at info@wheelsacrossthepond.com
What is Wheels Across The Pond?
An Annual British and European Classic Car and Motorcycle Show featuring 300+ classic cars and bikes and several thousand spectators. Formed in 2007, Wheels Across The Pond is a staple on the British Car Show calendar and one of the Premier shows of its kind in South Florida.
Where does the show take place?
Wheels Across The Pond takes place at Carlin Park – 750 A1A, Jupiter Florida 33477.
What vehicles are eligible for Wheels Across The Pond?
All British and European Cars and Motorcycles. These can be British or European classics or modern.
What is the Euroclass?
Our Euroclass was introduced in 2009. This is a class that allows European or non-British cars and motorcycles to enter the show. This class can be as large as 60 vehicles. If we have 5 cars of one marque by the pre-registration deadline, those cars will be pulled out of the Euroclass and will have a class of their own. For example, if we receive 5 Porsche entries in the Euroclass by the pre-registration deadline, there will be a stand-alone Porsche class. The same goes for all other European marques.
Can I register my American car or bike?
Unfortunately, no. Wheels Across The Pond features only cars and bikes from “Across The Pond” (the Atlantic Ocean).
How do I register my vehicle in advance?
Pre-Registration is available on this website. You can either register by credit or debit card or download a printable registration which you can send in by mail with a check. Click Here to Pre-Register.
Why should I Pre-Register?
Wheels Across The Pond has grown so much over the last few years that it is essential that you pre-register ahead of the event in order to have your entry displayed in the correct class. Our 2025 classes are determined based on the pre-registered entries we have by April 19th, 2025. Also by pre-registering, you will also receive a FREE Wheels Across The Pond event shirt and a FREE event dash plaque and a placard with your information to be displayed on your vehicle. Even shirts and event dash plaques will be available on the day in limited quantities for non-registered entrants and if you wish to purchase these, you can guarantee getting one by ordering when you pre-register. You will also have a unique entry number that will ensure faster access to the show field on arrival. You can find the entry list here.
Will I get a confirmation that I am registered?
No, unfortunately due to the large number of entries you will not receive a confirmation. Once we receive a registration, we will update our entry list and you will be added with a unique entry number. You will need to remember this number and quote it when you arrive on the day. All of the information you provided in your entry will be handed to you in a goody bag including your shirt and dash plaques and any additional items you purchased at registration. Your show placard will also be in your goody bag, you can display this on your vehicle. You can find the entry list here.
How are classes determined?
Classes are determined based on Pre-Registration entries. April 5th 2025 is our Pre-Registration deadline. After this date, classes will be determined based on the entries we have so far. If you register after the April 5th deadline, your vehicle may be grouped with “British Other” if your vehicle does not match a valid class.
Can I register my vehicle at the show on the day of the event?
On the day entry is $45.00 for cars and $30.00 and will be categorized as DISPLAY ONLY. You will get an entry number but you will not join a designated class and will not be part of the public voting which will determine awards, even if your car or bike qualifies. All unregistered ‘on the day’ arrivals will be grouped together in a specific area of the show field.
What is the cost of pre-registration?
$45.00 for cars and $30.00 bikes until online pre-registration ends on April 5th 2025. We will have a limited time for online registration after April 5th and entry will increase by $5.00: $50.00 for cars and $35.00 for motorcycles. On the day of the event, prices will be $45.00 for cars and $30.00 for bikes but will NOT be part of the public vote and will NOT be displayed within the class.
Is there a cost for Spectators?
No. We do not charge an entry fee for spectators. We want you to be able to bring your entire family and enjoy the day and marvel at the entries. We do ask though that you donate just a few dollars to The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary on the day. This is totally voluntary. You will see cadets and volunteers at our entrance where you can donate – or you can donate by giving to the Busch Wildlife stand or taking part in our prize raffle where the proceeds benefit Busch Wildlife.
Where can I park as a spectator?
We have limited free parking around the vicinity of Carlin Park but this often gets full pretty quickly. We have Preferred Parking for roughly 1000 cars right at Carlin Park this year for $10.00 per vehicle. This is just next to the show field and all parking fees benefit Busch Wildlife. Just follow the Preferred Parking signs.
Can I take photographs?
Absolutely! Take as many as you like – and we would love to see them afterwards via our Facebook page or with you sharing a link with us.
Can I bring my pet?
Yes, you can bring your dog – please make sure your dog is on a leash at ALL times and make sure you pick up after the dog if it has the need to go.
How will each vehicle be identified?
By the owner’s name, car category, year, make and model and city name. One the day arrivals who are not already pre-registered will be grouped together.
What accommodations are there for trailers?
Trailers and trucks that tow in vehicles will park near the tennis courts to the north west of the show field. We ask that if you are trailering in a vehicle that you be in and out before 8:30am in order to make sure your vehicle is in place on the show field and your trailer is parked in the appropriate place. Trailers attempting to arrive after 8:30am may be turned away or will be forced to drop off outside the park.
Will volunteers be available to assist in the placement of the cars?
Volunteers will be on site to assist you and to escort cars to their assigned display spots. Each class has a designated area on the show field. Please do not park anywhere other than the designated area for your vehicle.
How early can I show up in my vehicle?
You can turn up any time from 7am onwards and if our sponsors and vendors are in place, you may be able to gain entry. Entry onto the show field takes place between 7:00am and 10:30am. The gates close at 11:00am, which is the time the show starts.
Can I park another vehicle with my entry?
No. We have limited space on the show field, so the only vehicles allowed are your registered entry only. If you need to bring another vehicle with you, you will need to remove that vehicle as soon as you have your entry in place. There will be plenty of parking available for these.
When can I leave?
Per the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) we ask that you do not leave until the end of the awards show, for the safety of participants and spectators.
Can I display a For Sale sign on my entry?
Only on the side of your vehicle. We have hundreds of people taking photos and the only thing we want to see on the wind shield of your car is the display placard and any interesting notes regarding your vehicle. For Sale signs please only on the side of your entry.
What awards will be given?
Awards will be presented around 2:00 PM. The following awards will be presented:
Best in Show, Best in Class, Excellence in Class, Founder’s Award, and Wheels Across The Pond Award.
How are awards determined?
Awards are determined by popular vote. Each entrant and members of the public will vote on the entire show choosing one entry from each class for Best in Class and one overall Best in Show winner. These public votes are counted on the afternoon of the show and awards determined. On the day arrivals will NOT be part of the public voting.
Will there be refreshments on the premises?
Food and drinks will be available all day from our vendors. Prices are regulated by Wheels Across The Pond and are great value for money. We ask that you support our vendors.
Will there be restrooms?
Yes, the restrooms are a permanent building and are clean. We do not use portable toilets.
Can I be a Vendor or a Sponsor?
Yes. You can inquire to be a sponsor or a vendor by emailing info@wheelsacrossthepond.com
What is the difference between a Vendor and a Sponsor?
A Vendor is a business who shows up on the day with no prior relationship with our attendees. A Vendor will be responsible for on-the-day performance only. A Sponsor is a business who has already been introduced to our attendees through banner ads and logos on our website, our email database and our 4,000+ Facebook Fans. A Sponsor has the ability to put promotional material in our goody bags and also take out print advertising in our show program and have a larger display area on the show field at the show. All of our sponsorship opportunities come with rotating banners on our website.
Can I brand my company at the event by putting up a banner / flag or branded tent?
Only with prior permission. Wheels Across The Pond is a ‘permit approved’ event and all businesses that are visible on the day MUST be named on the event permit ahead of time – absolutely no exceptions. If your business is not on the permit, you cannot brand your company. By doing so, you will put the entire event at risk and forced shut down. Company branding without written permission will not be tolerated.
How can I become a Vendor or a Sponsor?
Simply email info@wheelsacrossthepond.com and indicate the size of display you would like to have and information regarding your business and whether you’d like to be a vendor or a sponsor. We will get back with you.
If I have a business but don’t want to be on the show field, do you have any other opportunities for me?
Absolutely. You can be a goody bag sponsor in which we will place your company merchandise into event goody bags on your behalf. We also have a full color magazine for our attendees and spectators (1,000 quantity). We have limited space in this program for advertising. Please email info@wheelsacrossthepond.com for more information.
Can I hand out commercial flyers / merchandise at Wheels Across The Pond?
No. If you wish to hand out flyers, consider being a goody bag sponsor where we will include your flyers in our goody bag for all attendees for a small fee. You can send an email to info@wheelsacrossthepond.com and we will make sure you are on the list.
What cause will benefit from my participation?
The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary is a sanctuary for sick or abandoned animals. Busch Wildlife is the beneficiary for Wheels Across The Pond for since 2009.
The MiniMe Foundation is involved with the local community helping and raising funds to help families in need. Founder Sidney Vallon has made a difference through numerous events which have benefitted Kids Cancer Foundation, Pediatric Oncology Support Team, Mystic Force Foundation and Nicklaus Children Hospital.
Can I check in on Facebook / Instagram at the show?
Yes, and we encourage you to do so. Once you are at Carlin Park, you can check into Wheels Across The Pond Classic Car & Bike Show on both Facebook and Instagram. We also encourage you to use the hashtags; #WheelsAcrossThePond #JupiterFL #CarlinPark
Who should I contact if we want to do an interview on the day?
Sidney Vallon, President – Wheels Across The Pond
Tel: 561.568.8882
Email: info@wheelsacrossthepond.com